Six Month 1-1 Author Coaching Program

Our one-on-one author coaching is a personalized service where Author Coach Juanita works with an individual author to improve their writing skills and achieve their writing goals. This coaching is tailored to the specific needs of the author and can include feedback on writing samples, guidance on the writing process, and support for developing a writing routine, and assistance with publishing and marketing. Constructive criticism and motivation are provided during the program to help the author grow and succeed in their writing journey.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Customized Support: Tailored guidance to address your specific writing challenges and goals, ensuring a personalized approach to elevate your writing skills.

  • Accountability and Progress: Dedicated coaching sessions provide accountability, keeping you motivated and on track to meet your writing milestones, fostering consistent progress.

  • Overcoming Obstacles: Expert guidance to navigate through writer's block, refine your storytelling techniques, and tackle any obstacles hindering the completion of your book.

  • Navigating the Publishing Journey: Insightful advice on the intricacies of the publishing process, from manuscript refinement to submission strategies, empowering you to navigate the industry with confidence.


  • Feedback and critique on the author’s writing, including suggestions for improvement.

  • Support and encouragement are provided to help authors overcome writer’s block, stay motivated and navigate challenges that may arise.

  • We provide guidance on the publishing process, including navigating the publishing industry.

  • We will assist you with setting clear writing goals and establishing a writing routine.

Full Book Publishing

SELF-Publishing Coaching