What should I post before my book launches?

Are you an author eagerly awaiting the release of your upcoming book? While the countdown to publication day can be thrilling, it's also an excellent opportunity to connect with your audience and build anticipation for your work. In this blog post, we'll explore a variety of engaging content ideas that authors can share on social media and other platforms before their book is published.

1. Behind-the-Scenes Sneak Peeks

Invite your readers into your writing process by sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of your journey to publication. You could share photos of your writing space, snippets of your manuscript, or even insights into your creative process. By offering these intimate glimpses, you'll forge a deeper connection with your audience and make them feel like part of your journey. It’s also important to build a relationship with your audience. Share content of those random moments that aren’t book related. Start the process of building relationships before your book is completed.

2. Cover Reveal

Generate excitement for your upcoming book by unveiling its cover to your audience. Tease the reveal with countdown posts and sneak peeks, and then make a splash with the big reveal. Encourage your followers to share their thoughts on the cover design, creating buzz and anticipation for the book's release.

3. Excerpt Teasers

Whet your readers' appetites with tantalizing excerpts from your book. Choose passages that showcase your writing style, introduce key characters, or hint at the story's themes. Share these excerpts on social media or your author website, accompanied by eye-catching graphics to grab your audience's attention.

4. Character Introductions

Introduce your audience to the unforgettable characters they'll meet in your book. Share character profiles, sketches, or fun facts about each character to pique readers' curiosity and make them eager to dive into your story.

5. Book Trailer

Create a buzz-worthy book trailer to give readers a taste of what to expect from your upcoming release. Use visuals, music, and narration to capture the essence of your book and leave viewers eager to learn more. Share the trailer on social media and your website to reach a wide audience.

6. Author Q&A

Engage with your audience by hosting a live or virtual Q&A session. Encourage your followers to submit questions about your book, writing process, or anything else they're curious about. This interactive format allows you to connect with your readers in real time and build excitement for your upcoming release.

7. Countdown Posts

Count down the days until your book's release with daily or weekly countdown posts. Share fun facts, behind-the-scenes anecdotes, or exclusive sneak peeks to keep your audience engaged and excited as the big day approaches.

8. Pre-order Incentives

Encourage readers to pre-order your book by offering exclusive incentives or bonuses. This could include signed copies, limited edition swag, or access to bonus content. Create eye-catching graphics and share them on social media to promote your pre-order campaign and drive sales.


The period leading up to your book's publication is an exciting time to connect with your audience, build anticipation, and generate buzz for your upcoming release. By sharing engaging content like behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, cover reveals, and character introductions, you'll keep your audience excited and eager to read your book when it finally hits shelves. Get creative, have fun, and enjoy the journey as you countdown to publication day!


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